‘Names’ Back Brazil Explorer As Metals Dive

Bravo Mining’s Copper — Brazil | C3 Metals’ Copper — Jamaica

Brazil metals explorer Bravo Mining BRVO BRVMG is unveiling an (iron-oxide-gold-IOCG) copper discovery that is reaching in some intervals to 22% grades.

Monday update: Bravo Mining 
just in with ita latest 
copper intercepts. Below.
Trading note below.*

Bravo looks to release assays hole by hole as soon as next week what looks like a lengthy, breccia-style copper sulphide find— one unveiled this week. Release here.

Monday update: the explorer continued its copper (and gold) intercepts June 10, 2024, with 9.4% copper grade and 2.1 gram-ton gold.

Bravo Mining‘s Monday drill assays from Brazil — Matt Geiger commenting

Highlight thus far: 11.48 meters of copper sulphide grading 14.3% copper, with 3.3 grams per metric ton of gold — 2.9 meters of that at 22.9% Cu, 3.6g/t Au. Not sure if it’s the copper or the gold, or both, turning heads.


19% Copper in this core: 173 meters downhole) — Bravo Mining

Bravo shares since a July 2022 IPO in Canada have risen to $4 CAD from $1.65. San Francisco fund manager Matt Geiger (MJG Capital) has been telling me and his fund holders about Bravo BRVO BRVMF and the Luanga property since January 2023; the fund started its stake pre-IPO at 50 cents a share.

“It is all about the copper tonnage now,” says Matt, who is joined in his early Bravo stake by four well-known names in the fund management and newsletter spheres. “This transforms the project.”

[Please see Matt Geiger’s Monday June 10, 2024, comments above about Bravo’s continued Luanga intercepts. Also, Bravo’s release here please.

Also, please see Matt Geiger’s fund reports for description of his first Bravo stake here, please.]

Bravo says the oxide copper-gold results, while potent, are still “early days” in its exploration program.

Large investors include $1 trillion BlackRock, which owns 9 percent. Also in Bravo early (pre-IPO) are now retired-in-California newsletter writer Bob Bishop; newsletter writer Doug Casey; mining strategist, broker and investor Rick Rule, California investor Jefferey D. Phillips of Global Market Development.

Courtesy Matt Geiger, MJG Capital

Bob Bishop, Doug Casey and Jeff Phillips each have weighed in with me and The Calandra Report. “ A nice hit,” says Doug, who spends time at a complex in the north of Argentina.

I will keep comments from Bob Bishop, who values his privacy, to myself except to note:

“Bravo has all appearances of being one of those special situations that come along—all too rarely in recent times.”

Bravo at Luanga got its notoriety from a Brazil palladium-platinum-nickel-etc. discovery: palladium + platinum + rhodium + gold + nickel​.

“That’s what makes this so exciting; we are potentially looking at two distinct, standalone projects within a single land package,” says Matt. Thus, two separate, apparently unrelated discoveries in one land package.

Bravo is now MJG’s largest position at 7% of the entirely natural-resources fund for Matt, 31, and managing the fund since 2011. He toured Luanga, then just platinum-group metals, in 2023. See images please.

Matt’s reasoning: a massive sulphide copper assay just released; plenty of cash; another “crucial” assay probably a week away; aggressive and big investors in the stock; politically connected Brazilian mining exec Luis Azevedo. Luis, a lawyer, has been behind at least three mining start-ups in Brazil. He owns 50 million shares of Bravo.

Bravo Mining’s palladium-platinum-nickel-etc. layout

Boilerplate background above is linked. Bravo is a $350 million CAD market value in Toronto.


Trading DHT Maritime | Ivanhoe Electric | Bravo Mining | C3 Metals


*Trading note: As mentioned, purchased Bravo Mining, and with a third order Friday June 7, 2024 in but not fulfilled. [Update: that order accomplished — and now a total of $5,100 USD of BRVMF.]

As discussed, I sold approx. $15,000 of DHT Maritime to pay for the trade. That is half of our long-held and profitable DHT stake. Saudi Arabia’s Aramco is lowering prices for oil sold to Asia for July 2024 — first cut in three months. Still, Aramco sees China demand growing going out a year. The oil company says it will increase its premiums for oil to Europe.

“This time of the year is usually very weak regarding spot shipping rates. Estimation of the current spot rate is (on average) just above  $40,000 per day. I will be waiting for some weakness to start buying back my DHT shares.” — Avraam Gabrielidis in Greece regarding DHT Maritime

Platinum group metals core at Bravo camp in Brazil: Matt Geiger photo

C3 Metals: I added to my 2-year stake of CCCM CUAUF. Dan Symons‘ latest and lengthy copper porphyry (with gold) assays at Bellas Gate did not move the CCCM CUAUF needle one iota. We are talking several hundred meters of intercept in the latest results and another 79 meters in the previous one.

“We have hit porphyry mineralization in drill holes at the Provost, Connors, Camel Hill and Geo Hill prospects,” Dan, CEO, tells me. “In some cases, we can see outcropping intrusive diorite cutting through the older andesite volcanics. In other cases, the intrusive does not outcrop but the same geochem/geophysical anomaly is present.”

This C3 is a $22 million CAD market value for CCCM. I have toured Bellas Gate in Jamaica.

Friday (June 7 2024), as most mining stocks in North America and in Europe dropped 3% to 6%, I added at lower prices Ivanhoe Electric IE.

* Trading note in full report here please.

Wednesday June 12 update: I purchased shares of 
Kenorland Minerals KLD, 
approx. $2,500 USD worth. Kenorland 
holds a 4% Sumitomo Metals royalty 
on the Frotet gold project it developed.
I have an order to sell approx. $600 USD
of OreCap Investment ORFDF; that is about
a third of our stake in mining holding-co OreCap.
Zach Flood of Kenorland Minerals this morning June 12, 2024

— Thom Calandra 

Please review the latest at The Calandra Report.

— Thom Calandra

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Thom Calandra is a writer and an investor. Research and material are meant as editorial opinion. He is not a professional investment adviser. Please do not consider his reporting as a recommendation to buy or sell securities.